Scientific Brain Nutraceutical Private Limited (SBNPL) was established in September 2014 with its Head Quarters in Mumbai. We are an indigenous initiative to be a part of the growing global awareness to nurture infants with love and care by making good health attainable and affordable. We aim to provide wholesome, nutritious, cost effective and competent baby feeds and meals. Scientific Brain Nutraceutical (SBN) has been promoted by leading lights from the industry, especially esteemed medical practitioners. However, the genesis of SBN has been the amalgamation of the empirical work of eminent Scientists in the area of nutraceutical and formulations evangelized by inspiration from a pediatrician, a homemaker and most importantly, a mother. We have a dedicated factory located at Pune, Maharashtra, India to produce special baby food. We promise to bring only the best and reliable products when it comes to nutritious baby food along with the best combinations of flavors.
“A healthy body
harbors a healthy mind.”
We have a vision of providing health as a token wrapped with love and care to each and every life that blossom, as we humans have our own share of responsibilities for shaping a healthy future. We aim to become the pioneers in the field of quality nutrition. We foster the dream of healthy society by reaching the remotest corner and supplying nutritious feeds to each and every baby at a very competitive price. Our quest is to educate parents & care givers the importance of providing proper nourishment to their babies and to prevent them from mal-nutrition & its related consequences.
“Let food be
your medicine.”
The science behind nutrition is very complex, but our approach is simple. To produce healthy and nutritious baby food, SBN specially formulated GrainylacTM and BabymealTM with lots of baby care in it. We take complete responsibility of your baby’s healthy growth and development. After all we believe in ‘Let food be your medicine’. To let ‘food be the medicine’ for your baby with nourishment and love, is just like feeding your own body, heart and soul. Our mission is to cover the daily nutritional needs of the body to restore the inner balance as a Balanced Body Nurtures a Scientific and Healthy Mind.
SBN was established with an objective to nurture babies with love and care by making good health, attainable and an affordable phenomenon for all. Our aim is to provide infants with wholesome, nutritious, cost effective and competent baby feed and meals after the age of 6 months. We have expanded our wings to make complete physical, intellectual & social development of children a dream turned into reality. To meet the demands of mothers’ and provide the best for their babies, we pledge to provide supreme premium products for their robust and flourishing health.

In this demanding world, good health is the very first requirement. We are here to take responsibility to provide healthy products, best suited to your baby’s essential health. Our experienced team provides scientific know-how and advance testing technologies at every step to bring safe and quality products based on the updated ‘quality by design’ concept. We are committed to provide education, training and support to unprivileged children to realize their dreams. The science behind nutrition is very complex, but our approach is simple. To produce a healthy and nutritious baby food, SBN specially formulated GrainylacTM and BabymealTM with lots of baby care. We take complete responsibility of your baby’s healthy growth and development. After all, we believe in ‘Let food be your medicine’. To let ‘food be the medicine’ for babies as feeding well and with love is about feeding your own body, heart-n-soul.